Alma Harmony Pro XL Laser

The Harmony XL treatment platform by Alma Lasers offers a range of state-of-the-art treatments that can address a variety of aesthetic skin concerns. Patients who wish to remove hair or blemishes, rejuvenate their skin, and reduce signs of aging can find their solution in the laser-based technologies provided by Harmony Pro XL. With these non-surgical options, we provide patients with highly effective, safe treatments for challenging skin concerns. It also offers nearly 20 distinct laser, light, and ultrasound attachments which we use to treat over 65 FDA-cleared cosmetic conditions. Together, the Alma Harmony XL Pro provides the most comprehensive multi-application treatment systems to date.


Harmony XL is a multi-generational technology and can address various aesthetic needs in patients of all ages. It is appropriate for patients experiencing a variety of skin conditions and who desire to correct these conditions with non-surgical treatment.

Procedure Options

We offer a variety of treatments using the Alma Harmony Pro XL Laser platform.

Laser Hair Removal

For laser hair removal, we use a handpiece called the Speed AFT™. This is a proprietary Advanced Fluorescence Technology (AFT™) and Super Hair Removal (SHR™) method that allows for highly effective hair removal. Energy is emitted at wavelengths designed to be absorbed by melanin in the body. The Speed AFT™ also includes a larger applicator that makes it ideal for treating large areas of the body.

Laser Skin Resurfacing

Laser skin resurfacing is also known as a pixel or erbium and is the precise removal of damaged skin through the use of fractional laser energy. This technology is effective at improving the appearance of the skin by addressing uneven skin tone, a decrease in elasticity, and wrinkles. The customizable laser configurations allow for deep penetration of the skin layers to provide more significant results. There is downtime of about 3 to 10 days.


The Alma ClearLift™ laser module is a high-powered laser treatment. It addresses skin imperfections that often result from aging. With its specially designed fractional laser, the Alma ClearLift™ targets energy below the epidermis. It leaves behind tiny dermal wounds that stimulate collagen production. This additional collagen will work to correct wrinkles, fine lines, uneven skin tone, reduced elasticity, and sun damage. It can also address conditions such as melasma and other skin pigmentation concerns. The ClearLift™ is a non-ablative skin resurfacing without downtime. In addition to improving the skin’s look and feel, the nano-second laser bursts from the Q-switched laser acts as a shock wave that breaks up pigmentation and coagulates small blood cells-making the laser an excellent tool for removing tattoos, nail fungus and vascular and pigmented lesions. How many treatments are required?

The Virtually Painless Alternative to Skin Resurfacing

ClearLift™ is a non-ablative approach to laser skin resurfacing. painless with visible results*

The innovative technology delivers a controlled dermal wound deep beneath the skin, (up to 3mm in depth).

Patients are recommended to undergo 3-5 treatments with Alma Lasers Clearlift to see optimal results; once every 3-4 weeks. Clearlift works by remodeling the interior layers of the skin, leaving your epidermis intact and allowing healing to occur from the inside out. Although visible improvement may be noticeable after a single treatment, patients generally require three to five treatments for optimal results. Clearlift laser treatment offers a number of advantages over other laser resurfacing options.

The outer layer of the skin is left undamaged. All stages of healing and skin repair occur under the intact epidermis.

ClearLift is a great tol for treating skin laxity, photoaging/pigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles by stimulating the collagen production in the skin.

  • Fast Treatment Time – no topical numbing is required and treatments can take as little as 20 minutes.

  • Virtually Painless – patients report a comfortable, skin resurfacing experience.

  • No Downtime – after a ClearLift treatment, patients can immediately return to their daily life.

  • All Skin Types – Alma’s Q-Switched module is indicated for use on all skin types

ClearLift can also remove tattoos. It is suboptimal in removal of “blues” and “greens.” However, removes other pigments. As with any tattoo removal, it is unknown the pigments the tattoo artist used, thus cannot guarantee all pigmented staining will no longer be visible.

ClearLift is also successful in removal of toenail fungus. Pretreatment and treatment throughout the treatment timeframe is essential to completely eradicate the fungus from all shoes as well.

ClearLift is successful in reducing and resolving acne scarring, scars, and stretch marks (pending how old they are).


The Dye-VL laser improves on the traditional dye laser for treating vascular lesions and pigmentation variances. This versatile treatment targets melanin and clears away dark spots, acne scarring, fine lines, and wrinkles to leave behind smooth, unblemished skin. It can also treat broken capillaries, red spots, and venous malformation. This treatment is safe and appropriate for light to olive skin tones. We recommend pretreatment of the skin 6 weeks prior, and we can assist with this. There is no downtime, however hyperpigmented areas will darken over 5-7 days.


Treatments are quick and can usually happen during a “lunchtime” office visit. The total length of your procedure will depend on the size of the treatment area and the specific condition being treated. We can provide an estimate of the expected procedure length during your consultation.

After the procedure, redness is expected and can last for 3 to 7 days. Depending on the procedure, your skin may peel as well.


Results from the Alma Harmony XL Laser are long lasting.